На базе данного канала, создана площадка, которая вмещает в себя фильмы, ролики и видеоматериалы о Дельфийских играх.
The Second World Delphic Games, which are the large international event in the field of culture, took place on September 19-25, 2008 in Saratov, the Russian Federation.
The Games were prepared and held by the International Delphic Committee (the Headquarters is located in Moscow) jointly with the National Delphic Council of Russia and the Government of the Saratov Region with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The Second World Delphic Games were granted the patronage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr. Terry Davis.